Saturday, February 23, 2008

Regarding the Quiz Question: You're Not Nuts!

Regarding an earlier post, The Quiz Question, if it drove you nuts to read these phrases: Someone we both don't know and Someone we don't both know, then you are ok. Don't worry! The first should technically be Someone neither of us knows and the second one Someone only one of us knows. However, in real English, in the real Universe, the other two are possible and likely within a string of conversation. In fact, I was quoting from an argument I had had. The other person, a Pole, had said one of these, but clearly meant the other. We laughed over it, but as we know, an argument with its intense emotions can produce interesting language. Can you imagine what kind of mistakes I would make trying to argue in Polish? :-o My Polish is at such a low level it is probably impossible for me to argue. It's unfair to judge someone for making language errors when arguing in a language that is not their native tongue. Be generous if you are in this situation! :-P

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