Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Answer to the 2nd 'Both' quiz

  • It's both of our form of entertainment.
  • It's both of our forms of emtertainment.
Both refers to a pair. So when we say form of entertainment, we mean only one type. Both cannot refer to the type(s) of entertainment, since there is only one. Therefore, "It's both of our form of entertainment." means that the type of entertainment is what each you and I prefer. Our cannot in this case refer to more than two people, if the sentence is grammatically correct, since both restricts it to two people.

The second one, "It's both of our forms of emtertainment," is a mistake. It refers to one thing, whereas, they refers to more than one. While both still may refer to the two of us, forms cannot compliment it. Forms is plural and it is singular. They cannot refer to the same thing.

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